Out of My Head
Co produced by Mark Perkins (Merk) - Merk brings his own luscious synth atmospheres to Davidson songs, giving a cinematic and deluxe feel to the album. Guest appearances from Marlon Williams (Drive Me Wild) and Reb Fountain (Heaven Is Falling) help fill the role call with Davidsons voice coming into its own.
Album available as Digital Download - Vinyl - CD

delaney davidson
Part man part wheel, Delaney Davidson is part wandering minstrel, part travelling salesman. One hand holds a small brown suitcase; his trade, his ghost orchestra, the other holds his guitar. One foot firmly in the Blues Trash corner of the ring, the other on the road, you could say Delaney sees music as he sees geography, and that although he has certain preferences, in fact all territories are up for grabs.

Delaneys focus on artistic content and his 2 decades plus of experience in making albums have seen him help bring into being a long list of award winning releases and artistic triumphs.